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Use & Safety
• Pure essential oils are highly concentrated and must be diluted before using.
• Keep essential oils and aromatherapy products out of reach of pets and children.
• Do not use essential oils with birds, fish, reptiles or small mammal and rodent habitats.
• Keep essential oils away from eyes, ears, nostrils, anal and genital areas. If essential oils do contact these areas, wash with milk or yogurt.
• Undiluted or high percentages of essential oils can overwhelm your dog’s sense of smell, cause systemic sensitization, and irritate the skin or lungs.
• Diffuse in well-ventilated areas for short periods of time: 15 minutes 1-2 times daily can be sufficient. Place diffusers away from bird cages and fish tanks, and make sure cats can easily leave the area.
• Store essential oils and products away from direct heat and sunlight. Undiluted essential oils should only be stored in glass bottles, and diluted aromatherapy products can be stored in glass or PET plastic.
• There is no regulatory agency that grades essential oils: labels indicating therapeutic-grade, pharmaceutical-grade or medical-grade is merely a marketing ploy.
• The use of essential oils does not replace qualified veterinary consultation or treatment.